Log Insight Dictionary
Below you can find ability IDs and names used for filtering purposes within ESO Logs.
- 40224 - Aggressive Horn
- 163401 - Aura of Pride
- 151033 - Behemoth's Aura
- 156011 - Enlivening Overflow
- 227003 - Fiery Banner
- 99781 - Grand Rejuvenation
- 220015 - Lucent Echoes
- 217705 - Magical Banner
- 61745 - Major Berserk
- 61665 - Major Brutality
- 109966 - Major Courage
- 61747 - Major Force
- 61689 - Major Prophecy
- 61694 - Major Resolve
- 61667 - Major Savagery
- 93109 - Major Slayer
- 61687 - Major Sorcery
- 117111 - Meridia's Favor
- 61744 - Minor Berserk
- 61662 - Minor Brutality
- 147417 - Minor Courage
- 61704 - Minor Endurance
- 61746 - Minor Force
- 61708 - Minor Heroism
- 61706 - Minor Intellect
- 61691 - Minor Prophecy
- 61693 - Minor Resolve
- 61666 - Minor Savagery
- 147226 - Minor Slayer
- 62800 - Minor Sorcery
- 172621 - Pearlescent Ward
- 172055 - Pillager's Profit
- 61771 - Powerful Assault
- 227004 - Shattering Banner
- 217706 - Shocking Banner
- 217704 - Sundering Banner
- 193447 - Velothi Ur-Mage's Amulet
- 217353 - Assassin's Misery
- 159288 - Crimson Oath's Rive
- 17906 - Crusher
- 143808 - Crystal Weapon
- 31104 - Engulfing Flames
- 142610 - Flame Weakness
- 142652 - Frost Weakness
- 75753 - Line-Breaker
- 61743 - Major Breach
- 145977 - Major Brittle
- 147643 - Major Cowardice
- 61725 - Major Maim
- 106754 - Major Vulnerability
- 61742 - Minor Breach
- 145975 - Minor Brittle
- 79867 - Minor Cowardice
- 61723 - Minor Maim
- 79717 - Minor Vulnerability
- 0 - Off Balance
- 34737 - Off Balance (Concealed Weapon)
- 130139 - Off Balance (Cutting Dive)
- 130129 - Off Balance (Dive)
- 62988 - Off Balance (Elemental Blockade)
- 125750 - Off Balance (Ruinous Scythe)
- 130145 - Off Balance (Screaming Cliff Racer)
- 45902 - Off Balance (Scribing)
- 34733 - Off Balance (Surprise Attack)
- 39077 - Off Balance (Unstable Wall of Elements)
- 25256 - Off Balance (Veiled Strike)
- 62968 - Off Balance (Wall of Elements)
- 187742 - Runic Sunder
- 142653 - Shock Weakness
- 134336 - Stagger
- 126597 - Touch of Z'en
- 80866 - Tremorscale
- 217358 - Warrior's Opportunity
- 127070 - Way of Martial Knowledge
- 17945 - Weakening
Status Effects
- 18084 - Burning
- 95136 - Chill
- 95134 - Concussion
- 178127 - Diseased
- 148801 - Hemorrhaging
- 178118 - Overcharged
- 21929 - Poisoned
- 178123 - Sundered
- 26832 - Blessed Shards
- 41963 - Blood Feast
- 48076 - Charged Lightning
- 39301 - Combustion
- 23196 - Conduit
- 115548 - Grave Robber
- 85572 - Harvest
- 63507 - Healing Combustion
- 22269 - Purify
- 41838 - Radiate
- 191078 - Runebreak
- 32910 - Shackle
AoE Abilities
- 133494 - Aegis Caller
- 40267 - Anti-Cavalry Caltrops
- 117854 - Avid Boneyard
- 26794 - Biting Jabs
- 44432 - Biting Jabs
- 26869 - Blazing Spear
- 26879 - Blazing Spear
- 26871 - Blazing Spear
- 126633 - Blight Seed
- 117715 - Blighted Skeletal Detonation
- 62912 - Blockade of Fire
- 62951 - Blockade of Frost
- 62990 - Blockade of Storms
- 23214 - Boundless Storm
- 20252 - Burning Talons
- 38745 - Carve
- 183006 - Cephaliarch's Flail
- 29809 - Charged Atronach
- 85432 - Combustion
- 23196 - Conduit
- 227072 - Corpseburster
- 108936 - Corrosive Drain
- 24329 - Daedric Prey
- 62547 - Deadly Cloak
- 32792 - Deep Breath
- 32794 - Deep Breath
- 94424 - Deep Fissure
- 181331 - Deep Fissure
- 123082 - Detonating Siphon
- 118766 - Detonating Siphon
- 215779 - Diseased
- 38690 - Endless Hail
- 20930 - Engulfing Flames
- 32711 - Eruption
- 32714 - Eruption
- 183123 - Exhausting Fatecarver
- 222678 - Fiery Contingency
- 85127 - Fiery Rage
- 40161 - Flawless Dawnbreaker
- 185407 - Fulminating Rune
- 118314 - Ghostly Embrace
- 143944 - Ghostly Embrace
- 143946 - Ghostly Embrace
- 122392 - Glacial Colossus
- 115572 - Grave Robber
- 23232 - Hurricane
- 23208 - Lightning Flood
- 29806 - Lightning Strike
- 23202 - Liquid Lightning
- 42029 - Mystic Orb
- 118011 - Mystic Siphon
- 186370 - Pragmatic Fatecarver
- 61502 - Proxy Detonation
- 118720 - Pummeling Goliath Bash
- 62529 - Quick Cloak
- 41839 - Radiate
- 40252 - Razor Caltrops
- 40252 - Razor Caltrops
- 80172 - Ritual of Retribution
- 75752 - Roar of Alkosh
- 191078 - Runebreak
- 40469 - Scalding Rune
- 98438 - Shackle
- 41990 - Shadow Silk
- 80107 - Shadow Silk
- 126720 - Shadow Silk
- 217348 - Shattering Knife
- 217459 - Shocking Burst
- 63474 - Shooting Star
- 63471 - Shooting Star
- 100218 - Solar Barrage
- 38792 - Stampede
- 126474 - Stampede
- 32948 - Standard of Might
- 23667 - Summon Charged Atronach
- 189869 - The Languid Eye
- 117809 - Unnerving Boneyard
- 77186 - Volatile Familiar
- 38891 - Whirling Blades
- 172672 - Whorl of the Depths
- 88802 - Winter's Revent
- 102136 - Zaan
Damage Types
- 2 - Bleed
- 256 - Disease
- 4 - Fire
- 16 - Ice
- 64 - Magical
- 1 - Physical
- 8 - Poison
- 512 - Shock
Z'en Abilities
- 40385 - Barbed Trap
- 18084 - Burning
- 31898 - Burning Talons
- 38747 - Carve
- 36947 - Debilitate
- 126374 - Degeneration
- 31104 - Engulfing Flames
- 62682 - Flame Reach
- 62712 - Frost Reach
- 148801 - Hemorrhaging
- 40375 - Lightweight Beast Trap
- 44549 - Poison Injection
- 21929 - Poisoned
- 21763 - Power of the Light
- 76667 - Roar of Alkosh
- 40468 - Scalding Rune
- 62745 - Shock Reach
- 126371 - Structured Entropy
- 219720 - Traveling Knife (Lingering Torment)
- 21731 - Vampire's Bane
- 44369 - Venomous Claw